If you’re looking for the right life partner?
The 1Love Program is a private intensive 1-on-1 process with me designed to help you:
Identify and break free of your previous relationship patterns (especially the unhealthy ones)
Release the disappointment about the past and the worry about being single
Uncover what you truly need in a partner and in a relationship
Discover your unique relationship gifts and superpowers
Deeply love yourself and feel high self-confidence
Reset your heart guidance system (your heart GPS) based on your New Love Map
Set yourself up to find the best possible partner and the love you deserve
Date and live life as your authentic self and find a partner who is looking for exactly what you offer
Enter relationships with high quality people
Guide you on dating and relationship skills needed for a happy lifelong love
Save valuable time, energy and avoid future heartache
If you're ready to take action now to finally find your life partner, I invite you to schedule a Love Breakthrough call to see what the next best steps are for you and how we can work together.
If you’re looking to follow your heart and dreams to express the authentic you in the world:
The Love and Life Goddess Vision 4-Session Package will help you to:
Remove blocks that are keeping you stuck and move forward
Develop a plan to achieve your dream
Express your authentic self in your life
Shift your mindset to excitement, joy and confidence about your future
Services I offer for learning to use Tapping/Progressive Energy Field Tapping for addressing a variety of concerns and issues:
Private 1-on-1: Four 90-minute sessions in which you will:
Receive personalized recorded tapping sessions based on a current topic of your choice
Learn an advanced form of tapping/EFT
And how to use tapping to reduce daily stress and anxiety and to develop high confidence